Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Chocolates from the Seven Rivers: Cacao Lava

Cebuanos are favored in terms of creativity. We always have been the center of creative minds and works in the Philippines.

Little did we know that a little girl from the secluded mountains of Balamban, who traveled seven rivers every day, who came to admire every stone, trees, and fruits has reached to each of our homes through the chocolates and Cacao products she has made, she is no other than - The Chocolate Queen.

Miss Raquel T. Choa, the Chocolate Queen unceasingly finds ways to answer the needs of the people. In terms of health, she has been showing us how to choose a healthy drink - sikwate. Her truffles, pralines, tartufini, and all her products have a remarkable quality that can be compared to international markets. The Cacao Lava is her invention in terms of skincare as it moisturizes our skin more than the soaps and lotions we are used to. 

CACAO LAVA: moisturizing bar

Created by Miss Raquel to rehabilitate our skin and make it healthier and younger. It maximizes the moisturizing effect of the Cacao Lava as it is made of the Cacao butter and the Cacao powder. Cacao is anti-aging because of the antioxidant properties. It helps protect your cells from oxidation and aging. Cacao also contains other important minerals like iron, selenium, copper, zinc, and manganese. As a valuable source of whole food magnesium. cacao helps to maintain a healthy brain, thyroid, and anti-inflammatory response but is particularly helpful to women in alleviating symptoms of PMS.

I have tried using the Cacao Lava myself and I am amazed at the natural smell of chocolate that I will be applying to my face and body. I find it greasy at first because of the 100%  cacao butter but as I was getting used to it and as I was able to see the result on my skin, it's definitely worth it! You don't need any moisturizing lotions anymore!