Thursday, June 8, 2017


In the world today, everything is so easy. Almost all things are one click away on your phone screen. In the field of social media, banking, entertainment and even in the field of medicine. I never thought its possible, but I was proven wrong when I heard and tried the application - MY POCKET DOCTOR.

I was having the sniffles three days ago and I felt feverish, so all I wanted was just to stay in bed and sleep. I could not go out since its raining the whole day. As I was surfing the net, I came across this My Pocket Doctor and I am amaze on how this made my life easy and comfortable. In just one click, I got my consultation with a  doctor. You wanna know how I did it?

As simple as these steps:

Download the app My Pocket Doctor

Register and fill out the form for your medical record

Click the green button below the screen ——> TALK TO A MEDICAL DOCTOR.

In few minutes, expect a call from one of the nurse from MyPocket doctor. She will do an assessment of what and how you are feeling, if you have any allergies etc. Once done, she will refer it to a doctor. 

The second time, your phone rings. It would be the doctor asking you questions and assessing you. Since I complained about my cough and feeling of feverish. The doctor asked me to look at the mirror, open my mouth to check if there is swelling of my throat or if I feel any pain when swallowing. 
When assessment is done, the doctor would send you their prescription.

The nurse would call you again to check if you want her to order your medicines from the nearest Mercury Drug Store and have it delivered to you.

Isn't it just perfect! It is overwhelming! I was able to save time and effort of going to a clinic and to see a doctor which would entail a lot of hours waiting.

I am greatly surprised on how this MyPocket Doctor App would be a lot of help to the people nowadays. Especially with people living alone like me. It brings such relief for us to know that there is someone that we can call for help when things get rough.

I highly recommend this MyPocket Doctor Application to my friends! Thank you for bringing MyPocket Doctor App into a reality!

For more information on the app, please check: