Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Queen who lives in Casa de Cacao

"Wisdom is knowledge of how to live well, and the disposition to act appropriately on that knowledge." 

Cacao Beans

Our Chocolate Queen: Miss Raquel T. Choa
As an artist, an innovator, and an inspiration, Miss Raquel Choa - the Chocolate Queen has always been spontaneously creative with what she does. 

Tablea-made products 
Tablea Brownies, Banana Marble, Pandesal-Inspired bread & Tablea-made Chocos

She discerns on being a catalyst for change and solution. 
Everything she creates is an answer to a need. Thus, making her one of the most influential people today.

Cacao de Bola

Hannah's Cookies

She is the Queen that lives in her castle called Casa de Cacao.
Amidst the pandemic we are experiencing, the Chocolate Queen continues her passion in creating a variety of tablea made products like the Chocolate Banana Marble, Tablea Brownies, Pandesal, Quickmelt tablea, Cacao de Bola and a lot more.
At Casa de Cacao

The home of our Chocolate Queen

 What a pearl of overwhelming wisdom our Chocolate Queen has! And for her, she recognizes it as a gift: From God and from Nature.